Tag: life hacks

9 Reasons Why You Need 7 to 9 Hours Of Sleep (And Why Your Life Depends On It)

Sleep is wildly underrated, and even though you know you need more of it most of you don’t really know why. So today I’m sharing 9 reasons why you need 7 to 9 hours of sleep and why your life depends on it. 9 Reasons Why You Need 7 to 9 Hours Of Sleep And…
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My 3 Favorite Free Apps For Productivity (And Staying Organized)

Everyone wants to stay organized and be productive, so in this video I’m sharing my three favorite free apps for getting things done every day. My 3 Favorite Free Apps For Productivity And Staying Organized (VIDEO) Enjoy the video and remember to leave a comment! Thanks, Menya Hinga Health & Performance Coach Are You Ready…
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